You’re a Nurse Coach! Now what?


You know the power of the nurse coaching process. You know you love coaching and you have a deep desire to live in alignment with your soul purpose in your work.

If you’re still unsure of which direction to take this investment you’ve made in your life, health, and career, or you simply don’t want to lose the feeling of connection, community and momentum you’ve experienced, you’re not alone and you don’t have to do this alone.


What if?


What if you can live and work in alignment with your soul’s purpose?

What if you can create a practice that energizes and inspires you while generating income?

And what else could you create in your life, health, and relationships with 6 months of professional guidance, support, and connection with an experienced Nurse Coach and a passionate, supportive community?

The Details

Over 6 months, our small group will meet virtually each week for 90-minute coaching calls. Each call will include coaching, accountability, and collaboration as you establish and grow your practice as a Nurse Coach.

Topics may include:

- moving through the obstacles to seeding and growing your business rooted in feminine cyclical living concepts and spiritual practices

- setting and holding practical and energetic boundaries so you don’t burn out, but rather burn bright and steady

- reworking your money story so you generate the income you want and need in alignment with your gifts and strengths

- how to refine and enhance your coaching style, ask more powerful questions, unleash your creativity, and expand your ability to hold a powerful healing space for yourself and others

Your investment is $350/month for a minimum commitment of 6 months.

** IMPORTANT: This is a space for nurses who have already completed their nurse coach training. This is not a mentorship for nurses who want to become nurse coaches without any prior training.

Your Guide


You deserve professional guidance from a mentor with over a decade of experience as a Nurse Coach.

I hold an empowering, heart-centered space for you to grow. I am deeply devoted to believing in your success and growth personally and professionally.

You hold the key to what you want to create.

Together, we will co-create a supportive community as you take aligned action towards your vision for yourself and your practice.

More about Brandie >


Ready to explore this? Schedule an application call below.