Holistic Bodywork during pregnancy and postpartum not only makes a woman feel nurtured, but also offers undeniable physical and emotional benefits. Bodywork can relieve fatigue, improve sleep, ease back, neck and hip pain, and nurture a woman’s relationship with her changing body.
First Trimester
Relieves headaches
Helps alleviate morning sickness
Reduces fatigue
Improved sense of wellbeing
Second Trimester
Alleviates backaches
Relieves leg cramps
Overall stress relief
Decreases heart rate and blood pressure
Third Trimester
Reduces swelling/edema
Relieves pain from varicosities
Enhances sleep
Prepares pelvic muscles for birth process
Enhances sensory awareness to relax during birth
Fourth Trimester (Postnatal)
Promotes reintegration of abdominal muscles
Promotes healing after birth
Assists in scar tissue healing and recovery from a surgical birth
Provides support and self-care for the mother
Relieves neck and shoulder tension common in the postnatal time
Facilitates treatment of postpartum depression (Field, et al., 1996, 2000)
Learn more about the tremendous benefits of postnatal bodywork and our unique service that bridges the gap in our healthcare system and supports your postnatal healing.
Therapeutic Bodywork relieves the pain and discomfort often experienced during pregnancy.
A pregnant woman’s body experiences many structural, or postural changes. Headaches, lower, middle and upper back pain, hip soreness, sciatic nerve irritation, and swelling of the legs and feet are common discomforts during pregnancy. The techniques used during a skilled prenatal massage and bodywork session can often alleviate and even prevent the progression of these symptoms. Massage encourages circulation of both blood and lymph fluid, improving the distribution of oxygen to muscles, encouraging more efficient detoxification and promoting better immune function. The calming effects of holistic bodywork are soothing to the entire nervous system, resulting in an overall decrease in pain felt in the body.
How is Prenatal Massage and Bodywork different than regular massage?
During prenatal bodywork, you will generally be positioned on your side or in a semi-reclining position. Your body will be supported with pillows and cushions to promote alignment and comfort during your session. Specific techniques can alleviate trigger points and restricted connective tissue that often contribute to pain in the hips, back, and neck of a pregnant woman’s changing body. We also provide self-care suggestions including specific stretches, breathing practices, and gentle exercises to support your body during this transition.
Are There Times When Massage and Bodywork During Pregnancy Should Be Avoided?
Women with normal, low-risk pregnancies can benefit greatly from massage and bodywork by a trained prenatal practitioner. There is no evidence that massage and bodywork during the first trimester is unsafe, however, if you are concerned, always consult your healthcare provider. Additionally, if you are considered high-risk, please consult with your doctor or midwife. Often, women with high-risk pregnancy conditions can safely benefit from skilled prenatal bodywork, and we will work closely with your healthcare providers to ensure a safe, effective prenatal experience.
“I met Brandie five years ago while in the hospital in pre-term labor at 26 weeks with my third child. I was having contractions around the clock despite magnesium sulfate and I asked the nurses what else I could do help my contractions. They recommended massage! What a blessing in so many ways Brandie has been to me and my entire family’s life. She helped me through the pregnancy with giving me my only relief I experienced from contractions over 2 months. I truly believe her touch, guidance, and insight helped me through to delivering a healthy baby at 34 weeks.”