What the hell is a well woman?

What the hell is a well woman anyway? 


If you think she's got it all together, think again. If you think she loves kale, sleeps 8 hours every night, meditates daily, eats only organic food, and loves yoga….nope. 


Well, maybe, but not necessarily.


And since I've recently chosen to officially rebrand my business under this name, I better get a hold of what it means, eh? 


Here's how I am coming to understand this often elusive idea of “women's wellness” and what it means to be a well woman.

She takes ownership of her life and her choices.
Notice how I didn't say she makes perfect choices every time? She doesn't even aim for perfection because she knows she is always growing and learning. 


She watches how she talks to herself and the thoughts she pays attention to.
She used to believe the thoughts that she's broken and not enough, yet somehow solely responsible for all of humanity. Now she is the heroine of her own story. This is a continual practice of noticing the life-sucking narrative that drains her sacred energy and choosing more empowering thoughts and actions.


She practices compassion towards herself and others. 
Rather than beating herself up when she's struggling, she recognizes that her struggles are not only hers. She softens towards herself when things get hard. 


She honors her emotional experience as sacred information. 
She doesn't demonize any emotional state and she recognizes that her emotional experience is valuable, sacred information about what's working and not working in her life. 


She has the capacity to feel it all.  
The tears of pain, the joy and everything in between. She knows that allowing herself to feel her anger, fear, envy, and doubt builds even more capacity to feel joy, love, connection and meaning.


She practices gratitude for all that is while also inviting more. 
She's finding the sweet spot between going for what she wants and needs and accepting what is with gratitude.


She honors the cyclical nature of life.  
There is a cycle to everything in the natural world - the day, the week, the seasons, projects, parenting, and our bodies. Well Women recognize this and practice honoring these cycles through awareness and acceptance.  


How'd I do?