It's not as hard as we think

Truth be told, Houston is too much for me most of the time. Too much traffic, driving, violence, pollution, humidity, congestion, and stimulation. I thrive being near the water or in nature where I can tune into the rhythms of earth and life- where I look around, exhale, and my soul can sink in and feel peaceful. When I’m exhausted and overstimulated, my body, soul, work, and family suffers.

So what happens when we can’t get away to nature or whatever restores us? How do we access the rest we need?

After reflecting on why it’s so hard to rest, and giving myself permission to practice new rhythms of cyclical living with the women of The Well Woman Collective, I’ve learned a lot lately.

I’ve been learning that it’s actually easier to rest than I thought.

Through the guidance of my dear friend and Restorative Yoga Teacher, Mary Kathryn, I’ve discovered that I can practice slowing down and restoring myself right where I am with simple practices. Choosing to intentionally support myself with pillows, cover myself with a soft blanket, and use my eye pillow has been life changing. I’ve replaced afternoon coffee with rest practices, and I’m actually shifting my patterns and beliefs around how I find my value and worth (hint: it’s not in what I produce, how my home looks, or how financially successful I am).

I asked Mary Kathryn to team up with me to offer us all a convenient way to learn and practice these concepts together.

Enter, Rest Immersion, six weeks of practicing restful, restorative living right where you are.

In this 6-week virtual class, you will learn six different ways to use what you have on hand to support yourself and feel restored. 

Sunday, October 20 - November 30

  • 6 Weekly Video Practices released one week at a time (20-minute practices- totally doable!)

  • 6 Live Virtual Tea Time Calls on Wednesdays at 8 pm CST
    (Weds, October 23, 30 & November 6, 13, 20, 27)*

  • 1 Private Coaching Session 30 min (to be scheduled at your convenience)

*Live calls will be recorded for later viewing if you can't make it live*

During this 6-week class, we believe you will:

  1. Access more energy naturally.

  2. Experience more restful, restorative sleep.

  3. Feel more confident and calm in your life.

  4. Deepen your relationship with yourself and your self-care.

We’re offering the course at a low cost of $99 this time around- we probably won’t offer it at this price again, so don’t delay!

Most likely, slowing down is the missing piece of your self-care puzzle.

We’re not giving you much time to think about- we get started this Sunday, October 20th! It’s a self-paced course so you won’t be “behind” if you can’t start then, but please don’t wait to access this support if you feel called to it.

To access the course, you must first join The Well Woman Collective (free!) and then navigate to the Courses and select Rest Immersion for $99.

Register and join us Here