An Honest Review of Daily Harvest

A few months ago, I started ordering from Daily Harvest and I’ve had some requests for my take on it- so here’s my honest review!

First of all, I’m a sucker for great marketing and Daily Harvest nails it in that department!

They support regenerative agriculture and biodiversity, working directly with farmers to promote healthy soil and transition away from pesticides and other conventional farming practices. You can read more about that here.

All of the products are frozen soon after harvest (typically within 24 hours according their website), and freezing has long been known to preserve nutrients and is the next best thing to fresh.

I’m eating way more veggies and it’s so convenient to have these easy to prep, quick meals stocked in my freezer.

To me, the cost is comparable to what I spend on organic produce that honestly sometimes goes to waste in my drawer! Sad, but true. I’m not sure how to quantify the value received from the convenience of having healthy meals ready to go, but to me it’s worth it.

I have by no means tried everything, and I haven’t loved everything I’ve tried, but do we ever love everything on a menu?

Here are my favorites so far:

Smoothies: Ginger + Greens, Carrot + Cinnamon, Chai + Coconut, Mint + Cacao
Bowls: Cauliflower Rice + Kimchi, Kale + Lemongrass
Soups: Lentil + Mesquite Chili
Bites: Banana + Cacao

They’ve just released Harvest Bakes and I’m excited to try a couple of those in my next order. I’m also adding the Blueberry + Hemp, Spiced Pear + Cranberry, and Tart Cherry + Raspberry smoothies- yumm!

The smoothies actually make a huge amount (enough for two depending on the amount of liquid you add). If I need to enhance the bowls or soups, sometimes I add some meat or a soft-boiled egg, but the foundation is fresh, nutrient-dense plants and that feels goooood.

Other reasons I’m digging Daily Harvest:

Ordering is super easy. I use the app on my phone and it’s easy to toggle each week’s orders on or off and add or delete items based on what I need. Remembering to do that can be a challenge of course, and I’ve definitely over-ordered and ended up with a crowded freezer, but then I can just skip a couple of weeks’ orders.

Deliveries have been seamless. My orders have been on time and the packaging really keeps the products frozen until I can get them into my freezer.

So if you’re looking to increase your plant consumption (and aren’t we all?), Daily Harvest is a convenient way to do so.

This post is NOT sponsored by Daily Harvest, but if you want to order and get $25 off your first order, you can use the code RE-AK4EDE3 (and I will get $25 off my next order too- win win!).

Brandie Joyce Trigger